This quick Adobe Illustrator Uninstaller guide will show how to remove Adobe Illustrator on macOS Catalina. If you have updated your Mac to macOS Mojave or Catalina, these 32-bit apps would be purged out and that's why you need to consider uninstalling outdated Illustrator on Mac. Why uninstalling Adobe Illustrator on Mac? Originally released on 1985, many ancient versions of Adobe Illustrator are still in use ( Uninstall PhotoShop Mac). Highlight the file and hit F2 on your keyboard. Gravit Designer runs smoothly on ALL platforms Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Adobe Illustrator was reviewed as one of the best vector graphics editing program. How to Open AI Files Without Illustrator In Windows, you need to change the AI file extension to PDF. Import and edit PDF, EPS, SVG, Adobe Illustrator, and Sketch files formats and. The latest version, Illustrator CC 2020, was released in October 2019 and is the 23rd generation in the product line. Along with Creative Cloud ( Learn How To Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud Mac), Illustrator CC was released. What Is Adobe Illustrator? Originally designed for macOS, Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Adobe Inc. Adobe Illustrator CS6 is meant for creating layouts of graphic docs for publishing them on paper and in electronic form. Make sure you have downloaded the latest version Summary: In this article, we help you to learn How To Completely Uninstall Adobe Illustrator on Mac by using our best Adobe Illustrator Uninstaller software.